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Argumentative essay on animal testing

Argumentative essay on animal testing

Argumentative Essay Animal Testing,Argumentative Essay: The Ethics Of Testing On Animals

WebJun 5,  · The practice of using the animal for testing has been debated for over decades, the animal testing debate has about if it is morally right or wrong to use animal WebIn this Argumentative essay I have chosen to talk about Animal testing and why I think it is needed in today’s work of medicines and cures. I will be given you four WebAn animal testing argumentative essay always mentions the benefit of reducing the number of errors and fatal mistakes owing to a round of tests on animals. It also WebArguments for The Reduction of Animal Testing words | 6 Pages Every year, millions of animals are used to develop medical advancements, check the safety of products WebArgumentative Essay: The Ethics Of Animal Testing thousands of animals for our own heartless wants. Animal Testing has been a highly debated and ongoing topic for many ... read more

The topic of animal cruelty has been debated for an extremely long time, but nothing has changed for the past decade, and people continue to use violence against animals. It […]. The definition of animal cruelty is the infliction by omission or by commission by humans of suffering or harm upon any non-human. A car like any other is driving down the street, rain pounding on the windshield. The girl in the passenger seat sees a dark blur on the side of the road. She focuses on it, and sees a soaked dog, whose fur is severely matted, and covered in mud. Its tail had no wag, and it was so […]. Experimentations on animals do not just include dogs and cats, but animals like hamsters, monkeys, birds, and frogs PETA.

Many of the testing is used for companies that sell cosmetics and hygiene products. Everyday products that are stored away inside cabinets or in showers could have easily been tested on an animal. Animal testing is wrong, because it is noxious […]. What it does is teaches us about the history and needs of the agency being helped as well as seeing positive changes that their involvement makes. Just by incorporating different aspects of learning into community service, we can become invested in their work and more likely to stay committed to the cause.

The cause of the agency is to […]. Animal cruelty is the act of humans inflicting harm and suffering onto an animal. This can include neglect, animal fighting, and overt abuse. In the United States, an animal is abused every ten seconds. Animal protection organizations are working to stop animal cruelty everywhere. Many of these organizations believe in animal rights and animal welfare. Animal rights activists usually go to the extremes, and will even break laws to make a statement to the public. One point of contention for […]. The definition of animal cruelty varies from person to person and although it is talked about occasionally, many people tend to downplay the seriousness of it. Animal abuse comes in many forms such as scientific research, abandonment, mistreatment, and so on.

The experimentation and cruelty committed should be banned because animals share the same basic rights as humans. Without a doubt, mistreatment of animals is the most common form of animal cruelty. It comes in many forms which are: animal […]. Essay About Animal Testing Imagine being locked up inside a small and cramped cage with nothing but a feces-filled water bowl that has not been changed for 5 days. Glancing around the room, you see many creatures are in pain. A mother has been forcefully torn from her newborn she is going insane as she looks desperately for her child, a cat is screaming in agony after it has been performed vivisection on.

A garbage bin contains piles of animals rendered useless after vicious quantities of drug intake. You then notice a hand reaching out to grab hold and you wonder. Is it over? Animal research is a controversial topic and has been a popular conversation among the public and in veterinary doctors. Animal testing is wrong and these innocent creatures should not go through this kind of suffering. In all respects, animal testing should be banned because it is inhumane, the test results are often not useful, and there are better alternatives for this issue.

Every day, mice, rats, cats, dogs, rabbits, hamsters, guinea pigs, birds and primates are used. Animals are caught and captured from the wild, stuffed into little crates, and tested for any issues before being relocated. Furthermore, the experimental laboratories shall keep them for as long as they need. This can sometimes mean animals are sentenced to death to serve and submit to these awful treatments. The testing they encounter involve injecting, force-feeding, shocking, dripping medications into their eyes and skin, inhaling toxins, embedding wires inside their brains, and repetitive surgeries. In addition, animals experience pain as humans do. The feeling of pain is something that can be felt internally and expressed through facial and actions it is a mental indication.

They may jolt, shriek, whimper, or scream when they cry out in pain. Whenever they are physically abused, it can lead to neurotic related behavior that leaves them disabled. Pacing around in circles, ripping their fur out, and biting themselves are only a couple of the things that could be carried out. Lastly, observations usually turn out as unreliable and dangerous. This is because both species have huge biological difference humans and animals have different responses to illnesses, substances and healing approaches. Not everyone needs new shades of lipstick when there are already so many shades available. Science is expanding and scientists are gradually finding new ways to improve the lifestyle of humans. Alternatives include cell manipulation, human tissue from donors, computer models, synthetic skin, and volunteer studies.

With that, animal testing should not be limiting the opportunity of opening up to more effective methods of analysis. There is always an option to approach a scenario differently. Then why is it taking so long for others to understand that animal testing is beyond cruel? If people were to imagine themselves in the shoes of these creatures, would they want to live every day in pain? Essentially, animals should be free of these torture devices and know that they have the right to be unconfined, not impersonated, killed, or carry trails out on.

With that, stopping harsh treatments, rid of unnecessary testing, and have more options to animal testing. Essay examples. Essay topics. Animal Testing should be Banned Words: Pages: 4 Written by PapersOwl author. Animal Testing is Unethical, Unreliable and Unnecessary Words: Pages: 7 Every year, million animals sit in U. Animal Testing in Medical and Cosmetic Research Words: Pages: 6 Every year there is less and less animal testing done in both medical and cosmetic research. Animal Testing: is it Ethical? Words: Pages: 6 Animals being sacred gifts given to us, they are the best part of our lives and provide us with a special way of love. Animal Rights and Society Words: Pages: 2 2. The Cruelty in Animal Testing Words: Pages: 5 Every year in the United States, it is estimated that tens of millions of animals are used for research and testing purposes Animal Experimentation Using Animals for Medical Testing is both Ethical and Essential?

Problems with Animal Testing: Inhumane Practices and Neglected Interests Words: Pages: 7 Abstract The Animal Welfare Act AWA , enacted in August , regulates the treatment and care of animals in research Murnaghan 4. Medical Animal Testing should be Banned Words: Pages: 3 Medical animal testing should be banned for there being other humane testing methods that exist. New and Safe Treatments for Humanity Words: Pages: 2 Animal testing has long been a means to discover new and safe treatments for humanity. Cruelty to Animals and Animal Testing Words: Pages: 5 Animal cruelty can be defined in many ways: Being violent to animals in any way, failure to provide for animals, being neglectful to animals. The Controversy of Animal Testing Words: Pages: 5 Imagine a cute white little bunny.

Many Products are Tested on Animal Words: Pages: 2 Many people may not realize this but most of the products that they are buy have been tested on animals; From makeup and shampoos to dish soaps and clothing. Effectiveness of Animal Testing Words: Pages: 2 For Centuries animals have been tested on for research all across the globe. Support of Animal Testing Words: Pages: 2 The arguments of those who support animal testing are understandable in certain situations, and, in these situation the views are valid and their views ought to be respected. Experimenting on Animals Words: Pages: 2 As the years pass, more and more animals are being terrorized and are being used for testing.

Animal Research for Human Benefit is Unnecessary Words: Pages: 5 Most people believe animal testing is essential to drug and vaccine research. Vaccine Development Words: Pages: 3 The conversation of animal testing has never been anything less than controversial. Opposing Views Animal Testing Words: Pages: 3 The United Nations guarantees a Universal Declaration of Human Rights that asserts that everyone has got a right to liberty, life and also security. Ethical Issues in Animal Experimentation Words: Pages: 2 There is of course the huge ethical consequence that comes from testing on animals. The Study on Animal Experimentation Words: Pages: 7 Animal testing has been a severe problem that still has not been resolved. The Importance of Animal Models in Vaccines Words: Pages: 2 If you have ever taken any type of medicine or had a vaccine, you have benefited from animal testing: Research with animals led to vaccinations against smallpox, measles, mumps, and tetanus.

Religion and Culture — Treatment and Rights of Animals Words: Pages: 7 The world has become very advanced through scientific discoveries in the past. The Definition of Animal Cruelty Words: Pages: 3 The definition of animal cruelty is the infliction by omission or by commission by humans of suffering or harm upon any non-human. Over One Hundred Million Animals a Year are Murdered for the Sake of Science Words: Pages: 2 Experimentations on animals do not just include dogs and cats, but animals like hamsters, monkeys, birds, and frogs PETA. What is Animal Cruelty? Words: Pages: 8 Animal cruelty is the act of humans inflicting harm and suffering onto an animal.

Types of Animal Cruelty Words: Pages: 5 The definition of animal cruelty varies from person to person and although it is talked about occasionally, many people tend to downplay the seriousness of it. Related topic Experiment Vaccine Medicine Cruelty To Animals Disease Abuse Social Issues Pain Animals Animal Welfare. how it works. Tell Us Your Requirements Specify your topic, deadline, number of pages and other requirements. Pick your perfect writer Chat with professional writers to choose the paper writer that suits you best. Get Your Paper and Pay Pay the writer only for a finished, plagiarism-free essay that meets all your requirements. GET WRITING HELP. short deadlines. Certified writers. Animal testing usually involve vertebrates like rodents, cats, dogs, birds, and Guinea pigs among others.

Since this is a disputable phenomenon, where one can argue for or against the act, this paper supports the aspects of animal testing with bountiful reasons based on its viability in investigating pharmacological compounds. Without animal testing, numerous drugs, which currently help the humankind, could have missed. Since human beings cannot commence crude pharmaceutical investigations as test specimens, using test animals is significant in this context. It is advisable to execute scientific investigations elsewhere before introducing them into human beings.

It is crucial to agree that animal testing might be unethical phenomenon as argued by some groups; nonetheless, it should continue following its merits and contributions to the humankind in the realms of drug investigations and scientific discoveries. With regard to animal testing, debatable questions emerge. This question tries to unveil whether it is viable for biologists and medical scientists to cease from using animals for experimental investigations. Despite the conventional use of these animals in numerous scientific experiments, it is still debatable on their viability and potency.

Arguably, the animal testing phenomenon should continue with regard to scientific investigations. The need for efficacy, safety, novelty, and certainty in the realms of drug-use require thorough investigative experiments, which can only materialize when test animals are incorporated. Firstly, some animal have systems that resemble those of human beings; thus, the ability to use such animals give a broader chance of executing an elaborate experimental investigation. Using animals as representative of humans is a critical phenomenon when scrutinized critically. There are numerous individuals who have disputed this claim as stated in the research question. Nonetheless, it is evident and appropriate that this phenomenon should continue for further discoveries to be realized. It is questionable how further medical research will occur and how this will materialize without the use of test animals.

This is an impossible phenomenon, which demands those who are arguing against animal testing to reconsider their stands. Another issue is that human beings cannot be used as experimental animals. The drugs administered into humans must be of some quality, minimized toxicity, viable to use, potent, safe, and effective. This means that they have been investigated and approved by the concerned bodies after scientific investigations. If animal testing will be abandoned, no effective experimentation will occur on biological vessels.

Evidently, invitro using experimental tubes experimentations are slow and incomprehensive. This means that scientific investigations will delay and sometimes results might not occur. It is vital to consider that animal testing has helped significantly since its inception several decades ago. It has remained a viable, trusted, and considerable experimental design for pharmaceutical products and other scientific investigations. Those who are against animal testing claim that animals are not human beings and equating the two is inconsiderable. Evidently, animal are not exact copies of humans. There are numerous differences noticeable amidst the two factions.

Additionally, they argue that what works best in a guinea pig an experimental animal , might not exactly perform in humans. The two factions humans and test animals are different hence the assumption that they can emulate each other is misled. Notably, this argument is understandable; however, as the situation stands, it is still appropriate to conduct animal testing to help in research investigations. Humans can hardly be used for crude or undeveloped researches as the ones done with test animals. This means that animal testing is still the best option. According to Schmidt , which discusses the aspects of animal testing, recognizes that it is important to infer that what is inconsumable for test animals is similarly consumable for humans.

It is possible to note the adverse effects of drugs with animals, make appropriate changes in the composition of the tested drug, and later emerge with effective, safe, and potent compound worth human utilization. Watson , which describes the ethical issues related to animal testing, argues that some ethical claims behind the animal testing are baseless when compared to human lives saved daily due to animal testing executed to investigate proper and effective drugs. A mere claim that it is immoral to inject or administer unworthy compounds into an innocent animal while doing research is superfluous. This simply means that those who are against animal testing hardly want researches to be done using animals. This is good and considerable; however, these very people hardly provide viable alternatives that can work better compared to the conventional animal testing provisions.

Besides, they are also among those who gain from the findings and results achieved from such investigations. Evidently, almost all drugs currently used in the world at one point passed through animal testing to unveil their viability, safety, efficacy, toxicity levels, and other viable provisions demanded in this context. Concurrently, it is inappropriate to abandon animal testing as claimed by the activists. The current discoveries on genetics, reproduction, developmental biology, and study of behaviors among others could have not materialized minus animal testing. Additionally, there are other viable provisions that characterize the phenomenon besides the known pharmaceutical investigations which usually occur using test animals as stipulated before.

In these mentioned fields, there are still considerable knowledge gaps that will necessitate further application of animal testing in order to unveil additional information. This phenomenon can hardly occur minus animal testing since there will be no specimens for further research. The ethical claims fronted by the mentioned activists should cease from hindering further investigations Watson, It is evident that discoveries made from animal testing are numerous and helpful to the human race as indicated earlier. The need for more investigations and application of animal testing will continue to exist following its viability, applicability, and reliability in the aspects of research.

The viewpoint that animals equally have moral rights is evident; however, it is disputable in this context since it acts as a hindrance to lucrative investigations and discoveries that are helpful to the humankind. Hayhurst , which debates on animal rights, denotes that individuals who perceive animal as having rights are equally accurate in their opinions; nonetheless, they should also consider the merits of animal testing to their lives and beyond. This relates to the ethical arguments posted with regard to this topic.

It forms the center of argument from various people. It is crucial to denote that animal testing has numerous provisions worth noting in varying contexts. This relates to its viability and potency in unveiling the less investigated claims with regard to life. According to various sources, some arguments regarding the aspects of animal testing are invalid and misleading Hayhurst, They simply emerge from undue compassion for animals. This contributes to why this paper agrees with the continuity of animal testing. Precisely, its merits surpass its baseless flaws numerous times.

Imagine being experimented on, tortured, injected, and more of the sort without your permission. Either by feeding the animals these substances, making them inhale the substances, having them rubbed onto their skin, or injected into their body. There are countless occurrences where animals are being abused. For instance, animals are around drugs, dangerous chemicals, and diseases. They are also killed by carbon dioxide asphyxiation. Prolonged periods of physical restraint Infliction of pain to study its physiology and treatment Behavioral experiments designed to cause distress, e. Killing by carbon dioxide asphyxiation, neck-breaking, decapitation, or other means.

Some statistics affirm , animals were used by researchers with experiments involving pain in only one year. These animals being put through pain and death just so that you can have nice makeup. Granted, some people might argue that animal testing helps ensure that things would be safe for humans and it is necessary. Animal testing is undependable due to the fact that humans and animals while similar can be very different. Something can have a different effect on animals than it does on humans and vice versa. What percent the law protects, what percent of experiments work. Animals are harmed every day without any sort of protection. For the sake of pure ethics, humanity, and the safety of animals, animal testing is incredibly treacherous. Excuses to act atrocious and let yourself get away with killing life.

Ultimately, Animal testing is very consequential, pointless, and should be considered barbaric for the terrible background that comes with it. Essay Samples Writing Help. Argumentative Essay on Animal Testing ��Category: Animal rights , Animals , Animal Testing , Environment , Social Issues ��Words: ��Pages: 4 ��Published: 31 August Related Samples Racism in the United States Essay Example Essay Sample on Pollution Temple Grandin: Helping the Animals Essay Example: Is Air Pollution Taking Over the World? The Theme of Abuse in Their Eyes Were Watching God and The Color Purple Sexism Reflection Essay Sample Racial Profiling in Arrested Development Analysis Army SHARP Essay Example Terrorist Organizations Essay Example Capital Punishment Should Be Banned Research Paper Example.

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Animal Testing Essays,Animals Testing Essay

WebFeb 20,  · Animal testing is just a killing experiment. Most animals are injured during testing and will still live the remainder of their life in captivity. Testing animals cost a WebDec 5,  · Type of paper: Argumentative Essay Topic: Suffering, Experimentation, Replacement, Inhumane, Detergents, Animal Experimentation Pages: 3 Words: WebArguments for The Reduction of Animal Testing words | 6 Pages Every year, millions of animals are used to develop medical advancements, check the safety of products WebIn this Argumentative essay I have chosen to talk about Animal testing and why I think it is needed in today’s work of medicines and cures. I will be given you four WebAn animal testing argumentative essay always mentions the benefit of reducing the number of errors and fatal mistakes owing to a round of tests on animals. It also WebJun 5,  · The practice of using the animal for testing has been debated for over decades, the animal testing debate has about if it is morally right or wrong to use animal ... read more

Is it worth it? It is questionable how further medical research will occur and how this will materialize without the use of test animals. Nevertheless, it is complicated to make a prediction on how the discoveries can be made without animal testing, but the ideas of progress cannot be based on outdated practices. The need for efficacy, safety, novelty, and certainty in the realms of drug-use require thorough investigative experiments, which can only materialize when test animals are incorporated. Which is true, in a sense, because scientist have come up with a lot of vaccines for certain viruses. Although not technically experimenting, people learned how animal […]. Essay On Animal Testing Words 7 Pages.

This means that animal testing argumentative essay on animal testing still the best option. Either by feeding the animals these substances, making them inhale the substances, having them rubbed onto their skin, or injected into their body. Animal testing is the procedure of using non-human animals to control changes that may affect biological systems or behaviors in experiments. Animals squeal with their hearts beating fast. Did you know that the lipstick, argumentative essay on animal testing, the eye shadow and the mascara we use to make ourselves look more attractive have poisoned hundreds At the same time, consumers want to be assured they are using the safest products available, and people want science to find cures for life-threatening diseases.

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