Essay about Classroom Observation,Argumentative Essay On Chilean Education
WebSep 1, · Classroom Observation Conducting classroom observations are very important to the prospective teacher. Observing helps show how experienced teachers manage their classroom. For this observation it was important to notice how the WebMiddle School Classroom Observation Words | 3 Pages. On Wednesday, September 30th I observed Mrs. Bangham’s three to six year old classroom. The observation WebJun 15, · Classroom management includes the skills of organization, classroom layout, discipline, teaching strategy and respectful interaction among teachers and students. WebNov 25, · In this classroom, the reading area contains multiple forms of seating for the students, one wall contains the word wall that was made with the help of the WebEssay On Classroom Observation. Decent Essays. Words. 5 Pages. Open Document. Each classroom observation I have completed has led to a more productive learning ... read more
Often, students with self-regulation issues appear as students that are not trying hard enough to complete a task or defiant toward a task and are trying to get out of a task McClelland, "Development and Self-Regulation". However, the students are more likely trying to regulate themselves through actions that are not appropriate to the external situation. I have experienced students with self-regulation issues. The school teaches less than one hundred students from the ages of nine months to teenagers in the eighth grade with a faculty of fourteen.
During the last cycle, the children were gathered on the carpet for large group. The teacher encouraged a child to read a book to her classmates. However, the lack of clearly stated behavioral expectations resulted in a chaotic environment as the children climbed over one another to see the book. The teacher next transitioned into an exercise routine in which most of the children became excited and participated; however, about four boys roamed the classroom and remained unengaged in any learning activity, shouting loudly from time to time, distracting their fellow classmates, and with little response from the teacher. Next, the teacher initiated a music and movement activity, and quickly after the completion of the activity, transitioned.
In several instances, Jay would not be able to contain his excitement what Laura is teaching. He would keep his hand stretched high and not be called on at all or to be chosen last out of the people with their hands up. One moment Kathleen notes this is when Laura is explaining the directions to her class. Five other students do raise their hands and are acknowledged. There was a bunch of challenges that Aimee Mullins faced but one of them was her teacher. The teacher tries to stop Aimee from returning to class by saying that she would be a distraction to the other students in the class. She tried to prevent me from returning to class … and said that I would be a distraction to the other students.
The student was then fed up and decided to move his seat away from Peter. Peter then was sitting alone for the remainder of lunch. Actions like this affect Peter and his learning and development of relationships due to his negative. On Wednesday, September 30th I observed Mrs. The observation was from to , at Greensboro Montessori School. Since they combine different ages I focused more on the five and six year olds that would be in a normal Kindergarten class. I learned so much about Montessori schools and how they work in the two hours I observed. Brennan was observed during the morning in his first grade classroom. At the start of the observation, the class was instructed to sit on the carpet for an activity. Brennan got up out of his seat and appropriately sat on the carpet.
Jones, began to engage the class in a writing activity. As she engaged the class in a discussion and wrote sentences on the board, Brennan appeared to pay attention as he stared at the board. He would find a pencil to mess around with or mess around with his chair. The student was not even remotely engaged in the activity. Feelings: I feel that Mrs. Schaff needed to remove this student from the group because he was so distracting to the other students, but I am also torn with the fact that once removed from the group. Smith, now if you would please learn to pay attention and realize that we 're in history class and not math that would be fantastic.
How in the world was I so out of it that I had no idea what class I was in? Suttles, smug from embarrassing me, turns around and returns to the front of the room. Almost forgetting about whatever was in the grass outside, I begin to actually pay attention to the lesson. In school Y, parents are involved in a variety of different ways. Parents drop off and pick up children from the school, the pick up point is directly outside the classroom meaning that parents can observe the children at the beginning and at the end of the day through the window.
The parents then have the opportunity to chat with the teacher as they remain at the door when the children are leaving. This does not only benefit the parent but helps the teacher to understand more about this particular child, as mentioned in Glazzard et al. Each class has 2 key workers, this is highly important, Palaiologou, mentions that a key worker allows a child to make a strong emotional attachment with one adult in a setting, the school does ensure that the emotional bond is not broken between the child and parent.
Owing to lack of concentration, sometimes people cannot listen well. Concentration is a result of motivation, self -discipline and willingness to learn. In the morning the students were working on their daily five and phonics. One thing that I observed that I found very interesting is that the teacher had two rug areas for meetings. When she needed to teach the children for a longer period of time, she would tell them to move over to the other area in order to make them have a brain break and then refocus. It was very interesting to see how effective just a little amount of movement was for these kindergarteners.
Imagine sitting in a classroom filled with books that are developmentally appropriate, multiple genres, culturally diverse, and relevant to all students. The writing area is located next to the reading area and contains different types of paper, pencils, writing prompts, a list of high-frequency words for the students to refer to, and examples of different types of texts story, recipe, poem, book, postcard, letter, etc. The most important part of this classroom is the teacher who shares a passion for reading and writing with all of her students.
This is what my classroom will look like. I went to a universal Pre-k class in Amityville. The day was February 17, HOME ESSAYS Reflective Essay on Classroom Observation. Reflective Essay on Classroom Observation Good Essays. Open Document. Essay Sample Check Writing Quality. All of the teachers were more than happy to be helping a future educator by letting me observe their teaching styles and learn new techniques to use. Through spending time in various classrooms, I have gained valuable information that I will take with me into student teaching and my future classroom. Many of the things that we have talked about in class were illustrated for me in the classrooms that I visited.
The most prominent of them was the use of word walls. Word walls are a list of words usually located on a large bulletin board on one wall of the classroom; they hold all of the words that the students should know how to read and spell at any given point of the year. Word walls are very helpful for students. It is a great resource for them to use when they forget how to spell a word that they have already learned; all that they have to do is look at the wall. Word walls are used most often in the lower elementary grades when students are learning how to read and spell new words. I did not see them very often in the upper elementary grades. Through all of the examples that I saw in different classrooms, I have learned that it is very important to make these boards visually pleasant, colorful, and easy to read.
One teacher had all of the words already on the board and simply flipped each of them over as they learned them. I feel that this method can be daunting for students because it could make the task of learning a seemingly massive amount of words appear impossible. In response, the students could get. Continue Reading. You May Also Find These Documents Helpful. Satisfactory Essays. Competency Goals Statement Ii Words 2 Pages. Competency Goals Statement Ii. Read More. Good Essays. EAT - Task 4 Words 5 Pages. EAT - Task 4. Reading Instruction Time Line Words 4 Pages. Reading Instruction Time Line. Classroom Observation and Reflection Paper Words 4 Pages. Classroom Observation and Reflection Paper. Using Sei Strategies in a Siop Lesson Plan Words 6 Pages.
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Kauffman, J. Managing classroom…. The objective of this paper is to present my personal ideas on how to have effective classroom management. To run an effective classroom, the teacher should have a well developed classroom management plan that should be utilized at all times. A well thought out classroom management plan will not only be a major contributor to your own success as a teacher but it will also help promote your students ability to learn in the classroom. A classroom management plan should be a tool that is not always set in stone but something should be revised when necessary to get the most out of students each and every year.
For teachers to be effective in their role they need to have in place different models of behaviour management. Behaviour management is important not only for the teacher to be able to teach but also so that all students are in an environment that they can learn and feel safe Cope, There are three main theories when it comes to discipline and behaviour they are Management Theories, Leadership Theories and Non-directive Intervention Theories. Discipline and management theories can vary in approach, some expect the teacher to develop a better understanding of their students on a personal level, in a way in which they may find out the underlying cause to the students….
Classroom management helps when teachers know and practice proactive discipline methods. They also need to…. I believe Classroom Management is the key component in any educational setting. I believe that if students are in a safe environment, then learning can take place. Having the right environment for all students to learn is my major goal of implementing good classroom management--without it the students would not be able to learn. Classroom management is the key to a successful school year for both the teacher and the students. I have read about various methods, techniques, and disciplines useful in establishing a solid foundation for student cooperation and participation.
However, I do believe I am capable of establishing a healthy rapport with administration, co-workers, parents, and students that will allow me to obtain my desired goals for student achievement. I believe successful classroom management is developed based on the proper mixture of being prepared, respectful, hopeful, encouraging, structured and disciplined. These are a few of the characteristics of successful educators. My goal is to learn how to acquire, maintain and provide these elements consistently without bias. In order to do this I will need to understand and be able to utilize the legal and ethical rights of an educator.
As well as understanding and coping with the legal and ethical rights of students and parents. Rogers, B Classroom Behaviour: A Practical Guide for Effective Teaching, Behaviour Management and Colleague Support, Paul Chapman Publishing, London…. Alberto, P. Applied behavior analysis for teachers, 7th Ed. Columbus, OH: Prentice-Hall-Merrill Publishing. Good classroom and behaviour management is essential for a lesson to run smoothly. Knowing how to anticipate and manage problems will ensure that students spend maximum time on task, and those students who are eager to learn are not disadvantaged by a few. Classroom management styles vary from teacher to teacher. Some follow one method while others pick and choose what works for them from a variety of methods.
Certain methods work better on different ages of students such as elementary, middle or high school students and some are good for all age levels. Deciding what approach would work best in their classroom is a personal choice that requires taking many things into consideration. All of these are useful in the classroom just some are better suited to different grade levels. Classroom Management is an essential element in implementing a successful learning environment for students. Below is an annotated list of points that I believe in concerning my view of classroom management. The key to classroom management. Educational Leadership, 61 1 , A classroom is a very dynamic and spontaneous place. Every classroom is comprised of a diverse combination of individuals who all contribute to the unpredictable nature and uniqueness of the class.
The reality that no two students are alike and no two classes are ever alike, contributes greatly to the difficulty of establishing a realistic and effective classroom management plan. It is important that teachers realize that a classroom is an unpredictable place and that it is much more reasonable to strive to manage their classroom as opposed to trying to control it. I see my role as a managing teacher as guiding my students through their learning as they explore and discover what works best for them, instead of dictating how they will do things. It is also important that teachers are aware of the great number of theories that exist in regards to classroom and more specifically, behaviour management.
I believe that it is detrimental for a teacher to adopt one philosophy without ever considering the numerous other possibilities. In my opinion all of the theorists have a number of positive ideas that can be introduced into the classroom in order to create an optimal learning environment. In developing my philosophy on teaching and learning I have incorporated the philosophies of Jones, Rogers and Gootman. Classroom management is most effective when procedures are explained to students, put into practice by students, and reinforced by the teacher. In order for students to learn in an efficient and consistent manner classroom management is essential.
Classroom management is the unsung hero of the learning environment. One might hardly notice when classroom management is good, but when classroom management is bad it is impossible to ignore. Cantor, …. Classroom Management is imperative to a successful school year because it includes all of the practices and procedures that allow teachers to teach and students to learn. Without appropriate classroom management, even the best lesson plans will fail to succeed because it has such a huge impact on student achievement. Successful classroom management should begin the minute students walk into the classroom on the first day of school. Procedures and routines should be in place and followed through each day in order to create the best possible learning environment for each student.
There are numerous strategies to use; it is up to you as the teacher to find what works best for your students year after year. HOME ESSAYS Classroom Observation Report. Top-Rated Free Essay. Classroom Observation Report Powerful Essays. Essay Sample Check Writing Quality. Even a talented teacher would have difficulty teaching in an environment filled with interruptions and distractions. Classroom management techniques reduce the likelihood of interruptions during class, and include effective responses for any distractions that do occur.
Classroom management includes the skills of organization, classroom layout, discipline, teaching strategy and respectful interaction among teachers and students. According to Brophy and Good , classroom studies of effective teaching have emphasized the behavioural aspects of teaching and highlighted classroom management as one of the most critical features of good teaching. However, to be an effective teacher who able to manage a classroom well can be difficult. Teachers play various roles in a typical classroom, but surely one of the most important is that of classroom manager.
Effective teaching and learning cannot take place in a poorly managed classroom. Effective teachers appear to be effective with students of all achievement levels regardless of the levels of heterogeneity in their classes. There are many ways for a teacher to implement classroom management. Some are highly effective, some may need to be re-addressed. What is crucial is that all teachers have some form of behaviour management system in place which will enable them to not only control their class, but will also allow for a healthy and productive learning environment.
Pre-school education aims to nourish the potential of students in all aspects of development, master basic skills and develop a positive attitude as preparation for entry into primary school. The observation was an individual task, but it was carried out as a class. It was conducted on a half-an-hour lesson. Before the observation was carried out, the student teachers were given a checklist as listed in Table 1 as a guiding tool to assist the observation. It helped them to focus on certain key areas. However, it was not viewed as the sole guiding tool, they were expected to modify it to meet individual needs. Table 1 Guiding Tool Checklist As the teacher was teaching in front, the student teachers sat behind and started to observe.
During the observation, they were instructed to write down notes and tick on the Classroom Management Checklist for any criteria seen and met during the lesson. They were A What did the teacher do well in keeping the pupils stay on tasks and maintain class in order? Relate to the classroom management theories, B What could the teacher do to improve the classroom? and C Give justification to B supported by classroom management theories. Research has shown us that teachers ' actions in their classrooms have twice the impact on student achievement as do school policies regarding curriculum, assessment, staff collegiality, and community involvement.
We also know that one of the classroom teacher 's most important jobs is managing the classroom effectively. Of all the variables, classroom management has the largest effect on student achievement. This makes intuitive sense-students cannot learn in a chaotic, poorly managed classroom. There are several key factors that need to be considered in managing a classroom. Albert and Troutman emphasised that the ability of teachers to provide a conducive environment for learning by cooperatively managing time, space, resources, and pupil roles and behaviours is the essence of classroom management. A clean, safe, attractive, and comfortable classroom will help build a classroom community and stimulate learning.
Picture 1: seating arrangement For the class that have been observed, the seating arrangement Picture 1 was properly planned. It was suitable for pre-schoolers, as it promotes cooperative learning. May, found that people who cooperate and work together to achieve shared goals, were more successful in attaining outcomes, than those who strived independently to complete the same goals. Furthermore, they found that independent achievers had a greater likelihood of displaying competitive behaviours. Dewey believed it was important that students develop knowledge and social skills that could be used outside of the classroom, and in the democratic society Sharan, This theory portrayed students as active recipients of knowledge by discussing information and answers in groups, engaging in the learning process together rather than being passive receivers of information e.
It should be as it makes children feel comfortable returning them to their proper places and it helps the classroom to look neat, comfortable and organise. However, from the observation, the children are aware of where books and materials belong. Picture 2 The handling and distribution of materials in the classroom can take a significant amount of time.
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WebThe classroom observations I have seen these past week has shown me examples of good teachers. In all the classes I observed the students sat quietly and were always ready to WebJun 15, · Classroom management includes the skills of organization, classroom layout, discipline, teaching strategy and respectful interaction among teachers and students. WebEssay about Classroom Observation “In an effective classroom students should not only know what they are doing. They should also know why and how. ” Harry Wong is an WebMar 4, · After my observations, I am self-assured and avid that I want to become a teacher and will be a good one at that. As a teacher, I believe you need to set the tone of WebSep 1, · Classroom Observation Conducting classroom observations are very important to the prospective teacher. Observing helps show how experienced teachers manage their classroom. For this observation it was important to notice how the WebMiddle School Classroom Observation Words | 3 Pages. On Wednesday, September 30th I observed Mrs. Bangham’s three to six year old classroom. The observation ... read more
We worked on our sheets All About Me. In order to avoid students getting bored or uninterested, the teacher should give assignments and tasks that provide the students with a feeling of progress or accomplishment when completing the assigned work. Even a talented teacher would have difficulty teaching in an environment filled with interruptions and distractions. Essay On Classroom Observation Words 6 Pages. Table 1 Guiding Tool Checklist As the teacher was teaching in front, the student teachers sat behind and started to observe. Peter then was sitting alone for the remainder of lunch.
Classroom Observation Essay. Reflective Essay on Classroom Observation Words 8 Pages. Classroom observation essay attempting to recognize any challenges students may face, spelling assessments are very useful. Not being constrained can also help relieve anxiety that students feel. When his actions are not responded to his nervous system down-regulated and he turned around to go sit back down.
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