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Facilitating learning and assessment in practice essay

Facilitating learning and assessment in practice essay

Learning and Assessment in Practice,Facilitating Learning and Assessment in Practice essay

WebGibbon () implemented contract learning can make a student be more self confident and become more independent to find a resource their needed. With the learning WebNov 27,  · According to NMC () while supporting and assessing learners the mentor should have the following qualities to establish an effective working relationship, WebNov 21,  · Mentors’ are required to facilitate learning in order to help nurses in developing essential skills and assess their proficiency in clinical practice (NMC, ). WebThe 3 learning outcomes which I have focused on, as outlined in the module descriptor are (ii) critically reflect on the opportunities and limitations of practice as a dynamic learning WebFacilitating Learning and Assessment in Practice essay Management Marion Jordan Within this portfolio I will show that I have facilitated learning and assessment in my ... read more

Van Eps et al. I have choose Staff Nurse Jas This is a pseudonym ,as my menti. Jas completed her studies in Diploma in Nursing and joined HDU with no working experience. See appendix 1. Jas has been in HDU for three months. As a fresh graduate she was unable to cope with the challenging work tasks. Massarweh states that, equates the clinical settings are important as it impacts the teaching and learning process where both mentor and View Full Essay. Home Page » Science. Report Save Paper. com Site Stats Terms of Service Privacy Policy CA Privacy Policy Copyright Note Help Contact Sitemap Advertise With Us. My own authority, within my role as a Learning Coordinator, is to oversee 6 Union Learning Representatives.

Following up any enquiries they may come forward with concerning courses that any of our members want…. Login Join. Home Page Facilitating Learning and Assessment in Practice Essay. Facilitating Learning and Assessment in Practice Essay Words: Open Document. Beginning as early as I can remember, books were read to me by my mother, my father and my sisters. The thrill of an outing to the public library while growing up in rural Wisconsin was every bit as exciting as a trip to the carnival or the circus because, as my earliest discoveries conveyed, books could take me any place. I believe I must have been born with a …show more content… When a student understands the purpose of adjectives, adverbs, phrases and clauses, and practices writing and reading them, a student will feel comfortable in using them in everyday communication.

It is that level of comfort which nurtures interest over fear in tackling the reading, writing or discussion of literary works. It is never too early to introduce children to language tools such as metaphor, simile, personification, hyperbole, etc. Children tend to have natural abilities in using such tools when talking to other children or their own parents, so why not cultivate that natural ability before it hibernates in favor of other more socially acceptable forms of communication? A good teacher should bring out the natural and unique best in each student at every age level. In secondary education, I believe that students should have opportunities to become reacquainted with the children within themselves.

I believe that students will be better able to tap into their creativity if they return to their grass roots and recall what life was like when they first discovered bubble baths or ice cream or butterflies or when they first realized that boys and girls were not the same. Stripping away some of the sophistication people acquire as they get older, and the cynicism that often accompanies it, frees them to view ideas in a different manner and provides them the opportunity to read literature with a mind open Show More. Related Documents: Facilitating Learning and Assessment in Practice Essay. Assessment and Quality Assurance Essays Welcome to the qualifications for assessing and assuring the quality of assessment. This handbook provides you with everything you need to know to deliver and assess these Awards and Certificates… Words - Pages 5.

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We use cookies to enhance our website for you. Proceed if you agree to this policy or learn more about it. Buy now, save instantly, get the job done on time! Type of paper: Essay. Topic: Nursing , Education , Skills , Learning , Students , Mentor , Children , Teaching. Pages: Words: When it comes to mentoring, most people think of when they think of mentoring: a spontaneous, casual relationship where a senior person takes a junior person "under his or her wing" and then give them some long-term counsel and guidance. In my own life, I have a position of being senior staff nurse and midwife. I have over 12 years of experience with being a nurse and delivering babies. However, as far as education goes five of those years it took five years to become a nurse.

Then I specialized specifically in midwifery which took a year. I have found that Midwifery has huge highs and huge lows. Nevertheless it is such a rewarding and honestly miraculous career that I feel honored to have been given the chance to pursue. It makes you cry and laugh in equal measure, but every second is worth it. I chose Mrs. C because she understood that practice based learning is also crucial in the profession of nursing because of the vocational nature of the work, and need of measuring clinical competency and protection the public. My demonstration of demonstrating my suitability to supervise and measure students in a practice setting and successful achievement of the accepted mentorship program will allow me to meet the definition of a mentor D, and reach an important part that every nurse has to take on formally, in the end.

My goal is to teach about the examination of a newborn baby. When it comes to identifying the needs, it is important, to understand the foundation for being a good mentor is in building a good working relationship with the student. However, being able to achieving this one initial, important goal with Mrs. C will be able to solidly underpin every other feature of mentorship and do much to decrease the normal anxieties of the student on a new placement. It is important that both the student and the clinical placement staff will need to be aware of who is going where before the placement begins.

It is crucial to recognize that a mentee to understand the process for doing the midwife mentorship. Similarly a good ward team and mentor will encourage the mentee to come on an initial visit just to be given the above information and to just say hello. I planned to make sure that Mrs. C time has as much help in order to reduce anxiety on a first day if the mentee already recognizes one or two faces. The clinical team should allocated the mentor well in beforehand of the mentee arriving and I would be allocated on the basis that they can stay with the student for the period of the assignment. On a pre-placement visit Mrs.

C will be introduced to me and then have a quick chat and any placement type reading can be done together with what is called the placement information pack, outlining learning midwifery chances and ward information, shift pattern, and dress code. Things like off duty rotas will then be planned together and a pre-placement visit should also be the forum for any type of cooperation over study days and child care needs in order that the anxiety over these can be managed previous to the placement. C will be given a good welcoming pre-placement visitation which can start the process of socialization into the midwifery mentor program and its culture and can provide the mentee an early sense of fitting in.

As Mrs. C is being mentored, they. Practice based assessment is a core method of being able to assess the knowledge, abilities and attitude of a mentee t but is complex to make guarantee objective management. To contain a variety of patients and needs , different kinds of assessment are essential, all of which are part of the mentor student relationship. First there is the Mini clinical evaluation exercise which is basically a snapshot of mentee executing core clinical skill. However, this can basically be combined into ward environment or unchanging patient meeting gaining experience with a patient that is pregnant Direct observation of procedural skills. Observing a mentee perform a procedure and giving feedback when it is over. The method of assessment will normally be looked at in terms of validity, reliability, acceptability, educational effect, and cost effectiveness so as to assess the appropriateness of the assessment itself Assessment of formal knowledge as what permits review of conceptual knowledge, which involves looking into the potential risks or other manipulating issues.

Measuring an individual in practice, or their craft information, permits reflection, and growth on experiential learning. Both craft and formal knowledge are obligatory to be constantly measured to understand the student so as to understand how the student reads risk circumstances and uses ideas to speak to practice requirements Price, Upon completion of the module the Mrs. C two questions before displaying slides further on: - When does the complete newborn clinical examination need to be performed? Inform the mentee that they will review the answers after they have seen the following slide.

The Honey and Mumford style is the method that will be utilized. This will work well for the mentee because she will be volunteering, meeting new people and also engaging in different kinds of experiences with newborns and their mothers. is more of an activist type of learner because she prefers doing, and will get on with the job before receiving all of the orders. The Honey and Mumford styles fit Mrs. Because she has a very adventurous and learning type of personality and through her experiences is prone to impulse and at times need to be cautious of not finishing what she has started. C is considered to be a reflective learner and theses type of people prefers to watch and observe other people by finishing up a task before doing it for them.

When making a decision, reflective learners consider all of the consequences and want to know all the information available. However, they can be indecisive and reluctant to try new experiences. I mostly like to check things out for myself. Continuous assessment has restrictions with regards to reliability and validity for many reasons. There is an obligation for co-ordination among the mentor and staff to agree on appropriate assessment routes for summative and formative assessment, permitting an appropriate level of assessment and practice theory connection Price, A mentor in a multifaceted clinical setting joined with the pressure of continuous assessment on mentee in front of patients, family, relatives and other professionals has an impact on performance and could raise the anxiety of the assessor or the student Pashler H, Anxiety could also be caused by the mentors feeling of competence to evaluate, the mentee feeling ready to be measured including funding personal factors , in addition to changes in curriculum producing mentors to feel less capable in measuring certain areas Dogra, My assessment was of the capability of a first year nursing student utilizing examining a newborn baby tools appropriately in order to get enough information to pats the midwife test.

I looked at this as being area of importance due to the essential part of the mentee learning things such as asks the mother to put the baby to her breast and look at how the newborn is emotionally involved and the position of the baby. C will recognize that if the newborn is not correctly attached, then it is her job as a midwife to help the mother to find a relaxed breastfeeding position and assist her to attach the newborn correctly. Clibbens, Considering the expectations of Mrs. C participation in observing newborns health, competence is important for patient safety Fishel, I would look at this assessment as a direct observation of a skill that is procedural.

An observing qualified mentor would also be present and witnessing at all points of the feedback and assessment. The observing assessor would be the one that would provide written feedback concerning the assessment given. The assessment was planned including the criteria and a number of questions developed, to test the learners understanding. The criteria for assessment were structured and at a suitable level for the mentee on both a practical and theoretical level. The developed questions were intended to make the student deliver rationale for their choices inside and around the assessment, targeting to make the assessed skill less of a series of tasks and offer a more multipurpose skill applicable in diverse ways I waited until the ward was silent to make sure there would not be disruptions and the assessment would not be skewed.

Originally, I introduced myself to Mrs. C as it was the first time we had met, this meant to acquaint myself with the student and purpose to decrease their nervousness Clibbens, Then, I went on to tell the student what exactly I needed them to do, around how long it would possibly take and encouraged them not to be concerned as this was not a formal assessment, targeting to decrease anxiety Given, and make prospects clear. It was recognized by my observing assessor that I did not ask as to previous experiences of the mentee. Even though I knew that the student was a first year and the assessment was suitable as such, questioning further into their experiences may have delivered a link that would have changed the assessment in some way and maybe have helped in supporting additional growth Fishel, My assessor likewise felt that results should have been more evidently recognized at the start of the assessment.

Though the information was provided, and in an appropriate environment Given, a smaller almost bullet point synopsis at the end talking about outcomes and how they could assist in preparing the student for what is expected of them and reduce any type of confusion or anxiety Clibbens , When the mentee had finished the first criteria, I then asked her my first question. This took into consideration the mentee method to communication and their information of plain child development Dickson , , knowledge appropriate to core skills in numerous ways. The student properly prioritized the order of breastfeeding evaluation, completing the second standard.

I then asked the mentee the second question at this point, the mentee demonstrated theoretical ability to assimilate with the nursing team to provide effective and safe care to a newborn baby. After the examination of new baby score had been gained I asked my concluding question which was how often should the babies weight be observed, which the mentee correctly responded to in agreement with midwife guidelines My observing assessor also believed that at points my speech were way too fast and understood that I needed to repeat myself over and over. Having to slow down speech allowed the mentee to digest and understand information that had been given to a better level, and avoids them from becoming astounded with information quicker than they are able to process it.

I gave a feedback session for the mentee, aiming to cultivate some kind of a sustainable proactive learning relationship with the Mrs. C which comprised an action plan made with the mentee. Bearing in mind that the student was fundamentally competent at the skill, the action plan was absorbed on attaining a greater range and experience so as to gain a more reflexive experienced quality concerning the skill and offer more holistic capability. Effective communication skills are able to can assist in identifying a student that happens to causing concern some kind of a concern at an early stage so as to pre-empt failure.

Even though sentiments of failure or sadness could be felt by the student and mentor from not passing assessment, and this gives a challenge, it is vital for mentors not to stay away from these kinds of situations if a mentee has not met wanted outcomes as this could have far reaching effects on mentee progression. The feedback was scheduled and was give out shortly after the session aiming to provide the mentee prompt support if needed and to correct any kind of unsatisfactory behavior if there is any present. Bearing in mind the feedback, and also my very own reflections on the assessment, there is need for my future development. Also, I will attempt to speak more slowly and learning more about the mentee way before the assessment starts and delivers a more clear identification of results.

I would consider getting feedback on the mentee performance from the baby and the mother in the future. This would permit us to take into account the opinion of the service user and family in order to promote clinical excellence and family centered care for women having babies and in need for a midwife. In general, my observing assessor also thought that my assessment of the mentee was suitable for their level of knowledge, skill and approach and effective in figuring out the level of capability in this area. The NMC does a good job with providing support for learners. The NMC sets standards, guidance and requirements for nursing and midwifery programs of education all over the world.

This is very helpful for the mentor and the mentee provides information and guidance for student nurses and midwives in order to help them get a better understanding on how important your professional conduct is especially when it comes to examination of new baby. The NMC is a help to the learner because it gives them the tools that they will need in dealing with a newborn baby and the mother. Part of The NMC role is to support the reputation of the nursing and midwifery professions, and assisting students to uphold high standards of conduct during the course of the mentee studies and beyond is part of that work.

As part of The NMC current focus on their core regulatory purposes, they have reviewed their role in giving out advice to nurses and midwives given that individual advice can guide to confusion about The NMC role and purpose as a regulator.

Facilitating Learning and Assessment in Registered Nurse Practice,Mentorship Nursing

WebDec 2,  · Facilitating Learning and Assessment in Practice Submitted By: thanusha Date Submitted: 12/02/ AM Category: Science Words: Page: 16 Views: WebApr 23,  · In this portfolio I intend to expose the requirement of PP of the process of facilitating learning and develop the skills of assessment as a registered nurse in WebThe 3 learning outcomes which I have focused on, as outlined in the module descriptor are (ii) critically reflect on the opportunities and limitations of practice as a dynamic learning WebGibbon () implemented contract learning can make a student be more self confident and become more independent to find a resource their needed. With the learning WebNov 27,  · According to NMC () while supporting and assessing learners the mentor should have the following qualities to establish an effective working relationship, WebNov 21,  · Mentors’ are required to facilitate learning in order to help nurses in developing essential skills and assess their proficiency in clinical practice (NMC, ). ... read more

As new nurses enter the workforce they face a challenge going from student nurse to professional nurse. In these situations both of feel more comfortable and freedom to ask questions and talk openly to clarify the doubts. Extracorporeal circuit is prepared under aseptic technique Visible air and sterilant are completely removed from the extracorporeal circuit. Part of The NMC role is to support the reputation of the nursing and midwifery professions, and assisting students to uphold high standards of conduct during the course of the mentee studies and beyond is part of that work. Email Please enter your email. I'm Gerard!

This presentation will inform a word written analysis of your own development needs in relation to the role of the teacher, when considering and making adjustments to assessments for. Part 5: Support and Guidance for Learners The NMC does a good job with providing support for learners. Deadline facilitating learning and assessment in practice essay hours 6 hours 12 hours 24 hours 2 days 3 days 7 days 14 days 20 days. The process may include skills scan screening for numeracy, literacy and language as well as learning styles and skills abilities, and recognise any prior R. The process of teaching environment will be arranged in the clinical practice to decrease barriers between mentor and learners Quinn, Consequently, more support to the nursing standards is needed to promote effectiveness of learning assessment for practice-based learning. It makes you cry and laugh in equal measure, but every second is worth it.

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